Forever Green

Forever Green
Action Alert - Say ‘no’ to environmental cuts, raids and rollbacks in SF2314 [CLOSED]

With less than two weeks to go, legislators are meeting to craft a final environment budget & policy bill. Please act today to tell your legislators: “No cuts, rollbacks and raids in the omnibus environment bill!” >>

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Action Alert - Fully fund Forever Green [CLOSED]

With just two weeks left in the legislative session, the Minnesota House has proposed full funding for the Forever Green Initiative but the Senate has not. Act today to support FMR's top legislative priority: Full funding Forever Green to protect the Mississippi River and support Minnesota's rural communities. >>

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Water Action Day 2019 a success! ...Despite the snowstorm

Despite the sudden spring blizzard, over 450 Minnesotans from across the state joined us at the Capitol for a day of action and advocacy. Together, they attended trainings on a range of issues, met individually with almost a quarter of the Minnesota Legislature, participated in the first Water Town Hall and rallied for clean water. >>

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Today is Water Action Day! Ask your legislators to #ProtectOurWater [CLOSED]

Today is Water Action Day! If you can't join us at the Minnesota State Capitol, participate remotely by emailing your legislators and asking them to #ProtectOurWater!

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Action Alert: Tell Minnesota to invest in clean water [CLOSED]

FMR is championing a pair of innovative bills that will protect our water, diversify our croplands, and strengthen rural communities. Please join us in asking legislators to support full funding for Forever Green and the Working Lands Drinking Water Protection Program. >>

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Position announcement: Agricultural Policy Coordinator [filled]

The Agricultural Policy Coordinator is a new position that will develop and advocate for agricultural policy priorities and work to establish an effective agricultural-water coalition. The position is open until filled.  >>

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House and senate introduce full funding for Forever Green

To get to our clean water goals in Minnesota, we need to plant more perennial and cover crops. But these crops need to be profitable before farm operations can effectively make the change. To address this challenge, two bills were introduced in mid-February in the house and senate that will fully fund the University of Minnesota’s Forever Green Initiative.  >>

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