For over 30 years, FMR has been a strong, balanced, and effective conservation leader in the Twin Cities. Together with our supporters and partners, the river is healthier, enjoys better protections, and is a beloved community treasure many people are ready to defend.
But there is still work to be done. The Upper Mississippi, recently named the most endangered river in America, faces urgent threats from climate change, industrial agriculture, short-sighted development and public policies, and systemic inequities, making the next 10 years critical for the future of the river and its communities.
That's why we're launching the Our River Campaign. Our goal is to raise $5 million to mitigate these urgent threats.
At the heart of this campaign is the vision of a healthy Mississippi River. The impact of the Our River Campaign will be transformational and enduring in Minnesota and for all the downstream communities along the 2,350-mile river.
It all starts here.
Our River Campaign pillars:
Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative
FMR is leading a 10-state coalition to advance the first comprehensive federal initiative to protect the Mississippi River from the headwaters to the Gulf.
Learn more from the Our River Campaign overview.
Agricultural landscape change and water quality
We're part of a first-of-its-kind collaboration to innovate new market-based approaches to address the largest source of pollutants to the river — runoff from agricultural lands.
Learn more from the Our River Campaign overview.
Youth & community engagement
We're expanding our youth programs to train and inspire the next generation of diverse environmental leaders, building advocacy for the river and growing volunteer stewardship opportunities throughout our community.
Learn more from the Our River Campaign overview.
Land conservation
Growing our reserve of resources will allow us to seize opportunities to restore critical ecological land along the river and its tributaries in the Twin Cities metro area.
Learn more from the Our River Campaign overview.
Organizational capacity
To continue our vital work protecting the Mississippi River, FMR needs to make critical investments in the long-term health and sustainability of the organization.
Learn more from the Our River Campaign overview.
Download the Our River Campaign overview or summary.
Thanks to your generous support, we have raised $4 million and are 80% of the way to our $5 million campaign goal. Help us realize our vision for the Mississippi River by contributing today.
Support the Our River Campaign
Thank you to our campaign lead donors!
Friends of the Mississippi River extends our deepest thanks to our lead campaign donors for their investment in FMR and the future of our river. Together, we’re protecting, restoring and enhancing the Mississippi River for this and future generations.
Thane & Blanche Hawkins
$500,000 - $999,999
Cochineal Charitable Trust
$100,000 - $499,999
Steve & Susan Boren King
Stewart & Lesley Crosby
Chad & Maggie Dayton
Edward & Sherry Ann Dayton
Ellie Crosby - The Longview Foundation
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Peter & Mary Gove
HRK Foundation
Julia Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation
Art Kaemmer, MD
Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation
The Paul and Mary Reyelts Foundation
Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Bruce F. Vento Science Educator Scholarship Fund
Dr. Lynn E. Broaddus & Dr. Marc H. Gorelick
Page & Jay Cowles
David Crosby - The Longview Foundation
The Driscoll Foundation
Greg McNeely
Stuart Nielsen
John & Marsha Soucheray
Susan Vento
Deanna Wiener & Jim Tilsen
Gordon Andersson
John Anfinson
Anonymous (3)
Kerrie Blevins & Mike Walstrom
John & Mary Briel
Ronnie & Roger Brooks
James R. Cargill II
Whitney & Sarah Clark
Sara & Sean Dekok
George Dunn & Donna Harris
Forrest & Lisa Flint
Dan Gjelten & Lisa Burke
Pat & Richard Hart
Diane & John Herman
Bill Kindler
Kate & Sam Knuth
Sally & Richard Leider
Perry McGowan & Sheila Smith
Gabby Menomin
Hokan & Penny Miller
Thomas Reiter & Sharon Miyamoto
Under $1,000
Adriana Alejandro-Osorio & Paolo Provenzano
Deborah & Paul Alper
Bill & Nancy Althoff
Anonymous (9)
Brian Berg
Fred Bertschinger
Bill & Nancy Althoff
Aaron Brown
Candace Campbell & Jerry Seck
Leslie Cohan & Todd Norsten
Craig Cox
Joanne Curry
Michael Custard & Monica Bierma
Sue Dacko
Jane Delage
Dr. Shawyn & Laura Domyancich-Lee
Cynthia Ellsworth
Pamela Endean
Tessa Enroth & Michael Jones
Hope Esparolini
Glen Fladeboe & Stephanie McCleerey
Paul & Cathy Folland
Gustafson Stuart Charitable Fund
Annie Halland
Annie Hejny
Tom Hiendlmayr & Jan Ormasa
Dhaivyd Hilgendorf & Diana Weddigen
Gabe & Joanna Holmes
Valerie & Donald Holthus
Mitch & Erin Hunter
Tom Hysell
Lisa Isenberg & Philip Friedlund
Joni Kallesen
Jake & Lucretia Keeler
Mary Kemen
Brenda & Jacob Krotzer
Marilee & Greg Kvaal
Alex Lacy & Kate Hulse
Susan Lamoureux & Thomas Quinn
Pamela & Brian Larson
Julia & Alex Leone
Peter & Nicole Lindstrom
Julia & Michael Lizama
Anna Lovegren
Bill & Denise Lynch
Edward, Gretchen & Kevin Lynch
Mary Kay Lynch
Karina Magistad & Antonio Gutierrez
Erin Meier
Doug Mensing & Ashley Beasley
Alex & Jodi Murphy
Karen & John Neenan
Cynthia Olson
Josh Ostergaard
Aubre Parsons & Jens Kvaal
Nora Pennarola & Anya Backlund
Erica Petry
Matt & Kristen Poppleton
Margaret Rarig
Anita Robeson & Jerome Johnson
Richard & Mary Rogers
Ellie Rogers & Louis McLaughlin
Terence Ruane
Mark Rudolph
Jim Rustad & Kay Thomas
Amber Sausen
Kathleen Schubert
Julie Schwalbach
Kim Scott
Peter Sorensen
Angela Smith & Amy Timm
Kay Smith
Janie Tilsen
Noah Tilsen
Margaret Tobin
Jean Trumbo
Matthew Vernon
Elysa Voshell & Sarah McCarron
Peg & Doug Wangensteen
Shana Wenger
Tom & June Wiener
Teresa Workman & Karl Beach
Kait Wyman
Serenity Xu
Nou Yang

Contact Tessa Enroth, Individual Gifts Officer, or 651-477-0915 (direct line for text messages or phone calls — texting preferred)..
Top photo credit: David Wheaton