Updates and Articles

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Our stewardship and education team is proud to host over 100 events annually. Check out our upcoming public outings or our educational opportunities for youth

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'Do you think nature has surrendered to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? I don't think so.'

A little-known underground wall holds St. Anthony Falls back from a catastrophic collapse that would endanger the Twin Cities' water supply, bridges, and other infrastructure. So why isn't anyone monitoring the wall's condition? FMR board member John Anfinson explained the puzzle in an excellent Star Tribune article. >>

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Upper Harbor Terminal: The benefits and their cost

It can be challenging to weigh or even track what benefits the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment promises against their cost. This infographic lays out what we see as possible positive outcomes against the uncertainties and costs.  >>

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Wending streams, backwaters and rare forest birds — Come with us to Gores WMA

We're excited to offer two great ways to get to know this beautiful but lesser-known natural area in Hastings: a virtual bird's eye view plus a hands-on habitat restoration outing with FMR ecologists this September. >>

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Why it's time for a new federal river program (MRRRI) that supports farmers

When it comes to agriculture, the proposed Mississippi River Restoration & Resilience Initiative would help farmers improve soil, enhance water quality, reduce nutrient loss and boost profitability — goals policymakers of all stripes should agree with.  >>

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2021 Gulf of Mexico dead zone far bigger than expected

The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is three times bigger than it "should" be. Here's what you can do to help restore balance to the Gulf and the Mississippi River.  >>

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2021 Environmental Stewardship Institute

FMR's third year of the Environmental Stewardship Institute, themed Resilient Waters: Building Community and Connection, wrapped up with spectacular projects from our high school-aged fellows — everything from comic books to interactive websites on topics ranging from composting to pollinators.  >>

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2021 ESI guest post: Balloons and the environment

Environmental Stewardship Institute fellow Brenda drew a cautionary tale to show the impact stray balloons can have on wildlife.  >>

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2021 ESI guest post: Biodiversity loss in urban areas with a focus on the Twin Cities

Summer Environmental Stewardship Institute fellow Holly researched the reasons for biodiversity loss in the Twin Cities and gave solutions for city planners and individuals with environmental justice in mind. She offered up Bridal Veil Open Space in Minneapolis as an example of restored biodiversity in an urban area.  >>

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2021 ESI guest post: Pollinator potential

Environmental Stewardship Institute fellow Fiona researched the potential for pollinator habitat to grow alongside solar farms, as well as her own potential future in the field.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside