Updates and Articles

Introducing FMR's Cultural Landscapes lesson

Our education program teaches hundreds of youth each year about watersheds, pollution, ecosystems and more. Now we’re evolving our curriculum to explore cultural connections to place as well. Our new Cultural Landscapes lesson aims to open up space for people to reflect on their relationships with land, water and stewardship.  >>

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Learners outside
How to support our downstream neighbors after the hurricane

As our downstream neighbors continue to recover from yet another deadly and devastating hurricane, many of us are wondering "How can we help?"

Here's how you can support immediate relief efforts near the Gulf, volunteer online and take action to support long-term resiliency for the Mississippi River and its riverfront and delta communities.  >>

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Action Alert: Tell Gov. Walz it's time to consider climate [CLOSED]

Tell Gov. Walz and the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) that we can't wait to consider climate change. >>

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How our volunteer and education programs work on climate change

Our Stewardship and Education program philosophy is based on the fact that people who learn more about and find their own ways to connect with the places around them will be more likely to protect and steward the environment. Here's how our volunteer and education programs plant the seeds for climate change efforts through each event and partnership.  >>

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'It's really, really exciting': Clean-water crops are on the verge of something big

The latest headlines say clean-water crops could finally be taking off.  >>

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Farewell to Allie, our summer field ecology intern

Allie was a quick study and a passionate addition to our land conservation team this summer. Here she reflects on the insect drama she witnessed while monitoring, the appeal of tiny urban prairies, and her next move.  >>

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Thanks to our summer 2021 Environmental Stewardship Institute assistants

Putting on an 8-week program for the next generation of environmental leaders is a lot of work, and this year, former fellows Naomi and Justine stepped up to help us plan and facilitate. Our assistants reflect on how FMR's summer program has evolved and share insights on their experience as environmental leaders in the program.  >>

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Action Alert: Support the Mississippi River Restoration & Resilience Initiative (MRRRI)

One of FMR's top priorities is the passage of the MRRRI Act in Congress. Please take a few minutes to ask your U.S. Senators and Representatives to protect and restore the Mississippi River for generations to come. >>

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What's still possible for Mississippi Dunes?

Cottage Grove residents have been busy advocating for a new public park at the former Mississippi Dunes golf course. We're concerned that without strong city leadership, the site will be largely developed into housing without sufficient community input. Join us on September 28 to get involved.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside