Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

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Legislative Updates
Stealth House-only bill undermines agency rulemaking

A bill poised to pass the Minnesota House with minimal hearings would make it possible for a single legislative committee to block or hamstring state agencies from adopting or even proposing rules to protect Minnesotans' environment, natural resources, health, and safety. Written by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the bill explicitly elevates the interests of corporate polluters and other regulated entities above all other regulatory considerations.

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Clean Water Fund bill brought forward in the House

FMR strongly supports a bill introduced by Rep. Paul Torkelson (R – Hanska) to allocate the Minnesota’s Clean Water Fund (Legacy Amendment) money as recommended by the state’s 28-member Clean Water Council. FMR applauds Rep. Torkelson for his leadership on this issue, and looks forward to working with him to help HF 1731 earn Gov. Mark Dayton’s signature.

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Unexpected amendment undermines state’s buffer law

An unexpected amendment to the state's buffer law undermines Gov. Mark Dayton’s landmark buffer initiative by removing 50-foot buffers from as many as 48,000 miles of Minnesota streams.

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Agency rulemaking attack take three! Now with suspension of river phosphorus standards!

In yet another attack on state agency authority, SF 1283 requires legislative approval of most state water quality rules and standards and suspends Minnesota’s hard-won river phosphorus standards pending legislative approval.

SF 1283 (Newman, Ingebrigtsen, Utke, Eken, Tomassoni)
Status: Introduced and referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance

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Agency rulemaking attack take two!

Another bill has come forward at the Minnesota legislature aiming to undermine environmental rulemaking by state agencies.
SF 769: (Kiffmeyer)
HF1285: (Pugh)

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Bill to eliminate Environmental Quality Board, rollback environmental review brought forward.

A bill recently introduced in the Minnesota Legislature aims to make dramatic rollbacks to Minnesota’s environmental review and permitting processes while eliminating the Environmental Quality Board.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rosemount Wildlife Preserve and North 20 Brewing, Rosemount