Because of our advocacy for climate-smart dense urban development, national magazine The Atlantic reached out to FMR Land Use & Planning Director Colleen O'Connor Toberman to get our perspective on Minneapolis 2040. Read more
What do we consider "good" development? FMR keeps tabs on riverfront development proposals and community response to them. Here's an overview of our process and the criteria we use to evaluate potential big changes to our river and its banks. Read more
River Guardians set records and advanced every single legislative priority in 2023. Thank you for your advocacy! Here's what we're looking forward to in 2024. Read more
The Minnesota DNR just announced its largest-ever invasive carp catch in Minnesota waters: a shocking 323 fish. Join us soon for community meetings in St. Paul, Red Wing, Winona and online to learn and discuss what our state should do next. Read more
FMR and our partners are bringing together researchers to dig into crucial questions that the official Army Corps lock and dam disposition study won't be able to answer. Here's what we're focusing on and why. Read more
Join FMR at Invasive Carp Community Action Meetings, where you can learn more about how to protect Minnesota waters from invasive carp moving upstream in the Mississippi River. Read more