FMR Updates

FMR Updates
Clean water rules! We hope the courts agree.

The U.S. EPA’s Clean Water Rule, an update to the Clean Water Act of 1972, went into effect on August 28, 2015. Before the rule was finalized, North Dakota led 13 states in challenging the legality of the rule, exempting them from the rule until the courts make a decision. Now others are questioning whether enforcement of the rule in all states should halt while the courts decide its legality.

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Crown Hydro is trying (again) to renew 16-year old hydroelectric license

In spite of numerous yet unsuccessful attempts to build a hydroelectric power plant at St. Anthony Falls, Crown Hydro LLC is giving it another try.  Their most recent proposal is not garnering much support, however, and many folks­­—including the City of Minneapolis and the National Park Service are saying it’s time for Crown to go back to the drawing board.

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Governor Dayton establishes new MPCA advisory committee

Earlier this month, Governor Mark Dayton signed an executive order creating a Governor's Committee to Advise the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). While the new group, which will consist of eight members plus the MPCA Commissioner, won't have the same authority as the recently abolished MPCA Citizens Board, the committee creates an important a forum for public input on environmental decision-making by the agency.

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Restoring a blank slate at Houlton Farm

FMR ecologist Alex Roth is knee-deep into writing the Natural Resources Management Plan at Houlton Farm in Elk River. The property presents a variety of challenges, but is an incredible opportunity to conduct large-scale habitat restoration.

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The Mississippi River runs along the southern edge of the Houlton Farm property, and the islands of the Mississippi River Islands SNA (left) already provide important protected habitat in the area.
Three cheers for the Minneapolis Park Board

The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board has stayed strong in the face of difficult negotiations with Graco Corporation. In the end MPRB had to take the land along the river for a trail easement by eminent domain. Graco tried and failed to get something in return that would allow them to develop a portion of the adjacent property slated to become Hall’s Island Park. Instead, MPRB paid more than $600,000 for land Graco had promised to donate over a decade ago.

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Riverview Corridor Transit Study underway. Your input wanted!

Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority is conducting a study of possible ways to improve public transit options within the Riverview Corridor — located between Union Depot in downtown Saint Paul and the Mall of America. While the project has the promise of greatly improving public access to the river, FMR is also concerned about the possibility of a new bridge across the Mississippi in the scenic gorge. The study, which will be completed in early 2016, will recommend a preferred route and transit mode to be studied further. Provide your input today!

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Resource of the Month: The best views of the river

There are numerous places to view the river, but two stand out far above the others.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rosemount Wildlife Preserve and North 20 Brewing, Rosemount