Action Alert - Say ‘no’ to environmental cuts, raids and rollbacks in SF2314 [CLOSED]

With less than 2 weeks left in the legislative session, the legislators from both parties are convening to decide what to include in the final omnibus environment bill.

While several promising policies are under consideration, Senate legislators have also proposed worrisome policy rollbacks, large budget cuts and a renewed raid on the states voter-approved Environmental Trust Fund.

Please take action today to ask your legislators to protect our environment and remove cuts, raids and rollbacks from the omnibus environment bill.

As you can learn more about on our legislative blog, the current proposals include several items we support, including “Lawns to Legumes”, reinstating the MPCA Citizens’ Board, salt pollution prevention and pollinator health language.

However, the Senate language makes a 25% overall cut to environment spending, raids the Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund (for the second year in a row) and includes more than a dozen policy rollbacks. Such actions would have drastic impacts on water quality and river health in the Mississippi River and its watershed.  

Please tell your legislators that you want them to remove cuts, raids and rollbacks from the omnibus environment bill.


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