Today is Water Action Day! Ask your legislators to #ProtectOurWater [CLOSED]

Minnesota is the home of clean water.

That’s why hundreds of Minnesotans like you will come to the Minnesota State Capitol today – Water Action Day 2019 – to ask their legislators to #ProtectOurWater!

Can't join us today? You can still be a part of Minnesota's statewide day of public action for clean water.

Email your legislators today and ask them to support clean water at the legislature this session! It's fast, easy, and an important way to show your elected officials that Minnesotans care deeply about policies and programs to keep our water healthy and safe.

This year, we are asking legislators to:

1) Ensure healthy land for healthy water: What happens on land impacts our lakes, rivers, wetlands, and drinking water. Please support programs that improve land stewardship and protect important landscapes for water.

2) Invest in our clean water future: Investing in clean water today will improve water quality and save our state and future generations money over time. Please make those investments this session.

3) Restore public trust -  advance policy based on science and transparency: We want to see the legislature make environmental decisions based in science and research, not politics. Legislative and agency decisions should be transparent and open to participation.

Want more? Here is a link to the Water Action Day Policy Priorities 2019 one-pager, filled with info on the most important bills being discussed now. 

And if you can make it to the State Capitol -- join us!  You can learn about policy issues and attend a pair of exciting events:

At the Minnesota Environmental Town Hall (12:30pm – 1:30pm), you can ask questions of our state’s key environmental agency leaders:

• John Jaschke (Director -  Board of Water and Soil Resources)
• Susan Stokes (Assistant Commissioner - Minnesota Department of Agriculture)
• Laura Bishop (Commissioner - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency)

• Will Seuffert (Director - Environmental Quality Board)
• Dr. Courtney Jordan Baechler (Assistant Commissioner for Health Improvement - Minnesota Department of Health)
• Jess Richards (Director – Division of Lands & Minerals - Department of Natural Resources)
• Rep. Rick Hansen (MN House of Representatives) (invited)

At 2:00, we’ll rally in the Capitol Rotunda  (#ProtectOurWater)  to show the Legislature just how much Minnesotans care about clean water for all. 

It is all free!  Join us!


For a full list of Water Action Day 2019 sponsors and supporters, visit

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