Pick your project: Pledge to Pull garlic mustard or critical cut buckthorn at Crosby Farm Park

Thursday, May 22, 2025 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Crosby Farm Regional Park, St. Paul

A natural oasis in the heart of the city, Crosby Farm Regional Park is nestled at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers. Enjoy the beauty of early spring at this riverside park while helping protect native plants that are beneficial to our local wildlife and waters with this annual tradition.

Alongside FMR staff, volunteers will be working in an area home to a striking array of spring wildflowers native to Minnesota — Dutchman's breeches, trout lily and Jack-in-the-pulpit, to name a few. For this event, after a brief introduction and training, volunteers can pick their project: remove garlic mustard OR help with critical period buckthorn cutting. Critical period buckthorn cutting is a newer approach that's yielding promising results in the effort to control buckthorn in the Mississippi River Gorge.

Garlic mustard is not only easy to identify but quick to pull by hand. Removing garlic mustard is the perfect restoration activity for volunteers who want to continue to improve wildlife habitat and the health of their watershed when it's convenient for them during the weeks following this event.

Thanks to continued volunteer efforts throughout the years, we've been able to see slow but steady improvement.

All are welcome, but capacity is limited, and registration is required.

About the Pledge to Pull

This event is part of FMR's Pledge to Pull program. Please note that we ask all registrants who pull garlic mustard at this particular event to sign a Pledge to Pull, promising to remove garlic mustard in this area of Crosby Park in the weeks following this training and morning pull.

All volunteers receive a signed card certifying their participation in the training and granting permission to independently return and perform this volunteer service in this special area, part of the City of St. Paul park system and the Mississippi River National Park.

Volunteers pledge to a total of 4 hours of invasive plant removal — 2 hours completed at the training plus an additional 2 hours coordinated on your own. If you bring someone back with you after the event, their hours count towards your pledged time. For example, if you participate in the 2-hour training and removal session, then bring a friend, classmate or family member to the site again for a 1-hour session, that totals 2 hours of volunteer time and the completion of your pledge!

Pulling technique, where to pull and additional details will be covered during the training event.


A short walk on a paved trail with some hills is required to get to the worksite. Once at the worksite, we will be working off the trails, though on relatively flat terrain. Pulling garlic mustard is a lower-intensity activity that can be done while sitting down. FMR will provide a few kneeling pads. Removing buckthorn is a more intensive activity that will also require hauling cut brush to a nearby trail edge. FMR will provide all necessary tools.

Ready to register?

Please use the form below to register for this event. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us at volunteer@fmr.org or 651.477.0952.

If you're under 18 and interested in volunteering without the company of your parent or guardian, please take a moment and have them fill out this brief minor permission form.

Can't make it?

To receive notices of future volunteer events, contact us at volunteer@fmr.org. Or, visit our events calendar for our most up-to-date listing of upcoming events. To receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.

Thank you to our partners and funders: 

3M Foundation, BNSF Foundation, City of St. Paul, RBC Wealth Management, St. Paul Parks and Recreation and Xcel Energy

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Thursday, May 8, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area