Tend the oak woodlands at the Hastings Sand Coulee SNA

Thursday, May 15, 2025 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Hastings Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area
Volunteer pulls garlic mustard at Hastings Sand Coulee SNA

The short grasses and wildflowers of the dry prairie at the Hastings Sand Coulee Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) offer a unique beauty in the Twin Cities area. Fourteen rare plant and animal species call this coulee home. The deeply rooted prairie plants also help filter pollutants from runoff water before it can enter the nearby Vermillion and Mississippi rivers. 

On this spring evening, volunteers will work with FMR staff to identify and pull garlic mustard, an invasive plant that is found in one small area of the oak woodland flanking the prairie. By removing this plant, volunteers will improve habitat for the native woodland plant and animal species in just a couple of hours, ensuring this garlic mustard patch does not spread.

This event is part of the Vermillion Stewards program, engaging residents to learn about the watershed while working to protect and enhance its unique natural resources.

Please wear sturdy shoes, long pants and long sleeves, and be prepared to work on hilly, uneven terrain in a dense understory of buckthorn. All are welcome, but capacity is limited and registration is required. As always, all tools and training will be provided and volunteers are encouraged to work at their own pace and comfort level.


A short walk down a small, steep hill is required to get to the worksite. At the worksite, the event will take place on level terrain and along a ridge. There is dense buckthorn in the understory which can be thorny and limits visibility. Pulling garlic mustard is a lower-impact activity that can be done while sitting down. FMR will provide a few kneeling pads.

Ready to register?

Please use the form below to register for this event. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us at volunteer@fmr.org or 651.477.0925.

If you're under 18 and interested in volunteering without the company of your parent or guardian, please take a moment and have them fill out this brief minor permission form.

Can't make it?

To receive notices of future volunteer events, contact us at volunteer@fmr.org. Or, visit our events calendar for our most up-to-date listing of upcoming events. To receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.

Thank you to our partners and funders: 

Thank you to our partners and funders: the BNSF Foundation, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Scientific and Natural Areas Program, the Laura Jane Musser Fund, the Outdoor Heritage Fund, RBC Wealth Management, United Way of Hastings and Xcel Energy.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Thursday, May 8, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area