Election 2024: Check YES for MN's great outdoors!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (plus early voting beforehand)
Your polling place
A loon on the Mississippi River

Vote YES this November to protect our great outdoors, natural areas, wildlife habitat, lakes and rivers across Minnesota. (Loon photo by Chris Thayer.) 

Over 30 years ago, Minnesotans voted to dedicate a portion of state lottery proceeds to conservation. Since then, this important funding source has provided over $1 billion for our Great Outdoors, including dozens of important projects here at FMR

In November, a question to renew this funding will be on the front of every Minnesotan’s ballot.

To ensure this critical funding source remains available, over 50% of voters must vote “YES.” Leaving the question blank counts as a “No” vote. If it doesn’t pass, the constitutional protection for this important conservation funding will expire.

Say YES to... 

The ballot question will be on the front of the ballot, likely in the right column. It will read:
"Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural resources trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?"

If you're with an organization, club, business or church, you can also join FMR and over 100+ endorsers to support this effort leading up to Election Day at MNGreatOutdoorsSign on, and you'll receive optional materials to share with your followers to encourage yes votes — no other commitments are required.

Quarter-page and full-page flyers are also available to download and share.  

What else is on your ballot? 

View the offices up for election in your district to research candidates ahead of time.

Are you registered?

To confirm that you're registered to vote in Minnesota, check the secretary of state's website. If you're not registered, you can: 
• Register to vote online until Oct. 18.
• Register with a paper form, but it must reach the election office (via mail or drop-off) by Oct. 18.
• Register when you vote in person, either at an early voting center or at your polling place on Election Day. To verify your address and identity, you'll need to bring one of these approved materials

Want to skip the line?

Minnesota offers multiple voting options: early by mail, early via dropoff, early in person or on Election Day in person.
• If you’re voting early, your absentee ballot will not be accepted if it arrives at the election office after Election Day. So, if you’re sending it in by mail, don’t wait until the last minute.
• You can also drop off your ballot in person at the election office that sent it before 3 p.m. on Election Day. 
• You can track the status of your submitted ballot online.

Know your rights

Minnesota law gives voters inarguable rights. If you run into issues at your polling place, the League of Women Voters suggests speaking to the election judge. If that doesn’t work, ask to speak to the head election judge. If your issue is still not resolved, call a voting rights hotline.

Become a River Guardian

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Upcoming Events

Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront