Updates and Articles

How does FMR evaluate development plans?
What do we consider "good" development? FMR keeps tabs on riverfront development proposals and community response to them. Here's an overview of our process and the criteria we use to evaluate potential big changes to our river and its banks. Read more
Mississippi riverfront in Minneapolis with buildings, bridge and Pillsbury Flour sign
Media shines spotlight on FMR staff and creative solutions for vexing river issues
Whether clean-water crops, carp or buckthorn, the expertise of FMR staff has been on full display. Read more
FMR staff, camelina, carp, buckthorn
More than 3,000 pollinators — and other interesting findings from our 2023 monitoring
How much more often did pollinators visit native flowers than non-native flowers? And why are cuckoo bees a good sign? Find out more about our 2023 pollinator surveys, plus new opportunities to get involved in monitoring efforts. Read more
Annika, Julia, a monarch, black and gold bumble bee, red-belted bumble bee
Press release: ‘A win-win’ — Report finds new crops could boost farmer profits while protecting MN’s waters
Our first-of-its-kind analysis presents unused winter cropland as an untapped opportunity and force for clean water in Minnesota. Read more
Hand holding jar of water in field of 'living cover' crops.
Position announcement: Stewardship & Education Program Associate (now closed)
Join our team to support FMR’s volunteer stewardship and habitat restoration events and environmental education programs! Read more
Winter oilseeds: Key to clean water and lower emissions
These clean-water crops, which stay in the soil through the winter, can benefit the river in numerous ways. Read more
Organic farmer Karen Torjesen holds a hand low to the ground, amidst a recently planted field of winter camelina in November, 2023.
Thank you to our 2023 volunteers and youth participants!
We're celebrating the accomplishments of our 1,889 volunteers and 1,081 youth participants this year! See some of our favorite photos and highlights. Read more
Volunteer and youth clean up, water plants and save seeds
River Guardians made a splash advocating for the river in 2023
River Guardians set records and advanced every single legislative priority in 2023. Thank you for your advocacy! Here's what we're looking forward to in 2024. Read more
River Guardians at 2023 post-legislative session celebration
Another invasive carp catch record for Minnesota's Mississippi River
The Minnesota DNR just announced its largest-ever invasive carp catch in Minnesota waters: a shocking 323 fish. Join us soon for community meetings in St. Paul, Red Wing, Winona and online to learn and discuss what our state should do next. Read more
Invasive carp jumping out of the water
Where we work: Applewood Preserve
An old pasture and orchard turned neighborhood preserve holds nearly 30 acres of oak forest, prairie and woodland pond for wildlife in Maplewood. Read more
Applewood prairie and trees


Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside