Enjoy our annual report
Celebrate an impactful year in this interactive flow of stories
Support Our River Campaign!
In recent weeks, committees in the House and Senate have laid out how they think Minnesota should spend its Legacy Amendment funding for clean water programs. Unfortunately, both bills call for use of these special, voter-created funds for programs normally supported through more routine channels. Now, three broadly-supported programs have been essentially pitted against one another during a time of a billion-dollar surplus. >>
Read moreIt's Earth Day and we wish we had a happier post to share with you, but Minnesota's environment needs you. TODAY.
Despite a $1 billion surplus, the MN Senate is about to vote on a budget -- tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23 - to slash general fund spending on the environment and natural resources by $57 million.
Please take action today to stop the cuts and remove rollbacks in SF 2314!
Read moreDespite the sudden spring blizzard, over 450 Minnesotans from across the state joined us at the Capitol for a day of action and advocacy. Together, they attended trainings on a range of issues, met individually with almost a quarter of the Minnesota Legislature, participated in the first Water Town Hall and rallied for clean water. >>
Read moreToday is Water Action Day! If you can't join us at the Minnesota State Capitol, participate remotely by emailing your legislators and asking them to #ProtectOurWater!
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Celebrate an impactful year in this interactive flow of stories