Updates and Articles

KSTP TV: Ford site cleanup ‘top priority’ for neighbors [video]

Our river corridor director Colleen O'Connor Toberman gave KSTP reporters a tour of Ford Area C to explain why so many in the metro area are calling for thorough cleanup of the toxic riverfront dump site.  >>

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Area C community meeting draws crowds and questions

At a recent community meeting, 150 residents gathered to hear about the history and future of Area C, the Ford Motor Company's hazardous waste pile sitting on the floodplain in St. Paul. Out of the many questions raised, one in particular didn't have a clear answer: Will anyone make Ford clean up its mess on the Mississippi River? >>

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Intern with our conservation team!
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Why rivers flood

Community water supplies at risk. Sediment and pollutants washing downstream. Catastrophic floods right around the corner — A recent Star Tribune article reminds us of the growing threat high flows and erosion pose for the Minnesota River — and the toll that takes on our waters and communities.  >>

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Happy trails, Daurius!

In three years, Program Assistant Daurius Mikroberts worked with more than 3,000 youth to help protect our river. As Daurius ends his role at FMR, we know the impact of his efforts will go on. >>

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Daurius Mikroberts gives a thumbs up
Viruses, floods and an economic shoving match: All in a day's work on the farm

What does coronavirus have to do with the economic prospects of rural communities in 2020? In our endlessly entangled global market, it turns out that a public health crisis on the other side of the planet can have shockwaves felt here in Minnesota. We see this as yet another sign that it's time to shift our agricultural practices, for both the river and our farming communities. >>

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What matters to our River Guardians in 2020

Thank you for taking our Legislative Priorities Survey! See which issues our River Guardians value and what they had to say about what Minnesota can do for our river this session. >>

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Spotting rare, native ladybugs

Lady beetles (also called ladybugs) are one of the most common insects we encounter in summer. They may be the first insects toddlers can identify, easily recognizable because of their bright red color and contrasting black spots. But almost all of the ladybugs you're likely to see aren't native. What happened to our 50 native species?  >>

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River Sustainers are foundational to the health of the river

Fred Bertschinger provides "perpetual support" to FMR as a River Sustainer. Ongoing, recurring monthly contributions make up the crucial foundation of support we rely on in our work to protect the health of the Mississippi River. Here's how.  >>

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Aerial view of the Mississippi River and its watershed in summer, Fred Bertschinger, and Ole Olson prairie
The tail of the prairie skink: A story of loss and restoration

The prairie skink can lose and regrow its tail. Through our restoration work, we're hoping to create a story of regrowth for its favorite habitat: prairies near streams.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
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