Updates and Articles

Welcome, Monica!

FMR is thrilled to welcome Monica Bierma as our new administrative assistant and bookkeeper. Monica comes to FMR with 21 years of professional administrative assistant and office management experience, and spends her time outside of work volunteering, hiking, biking, kayaking and camping.  >>

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Monica Bierma
Climate change, climate justice and FMR's Water program

Climate change has worsened river flooding and drinking water pollution, making FMR's water program work even more important for climate resilience, adaptation, and justice. Here are some reflections on how our Water program's work intersects with both climate change and climate justice.  >>

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Why the Corps of Engineers must remain at St. Anthony Falls

Dr. John Anfinson is an FMR board member, a Mississippi River historian and the former superintendent of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. He recently wrote this article for the Northeaster newspaper.  >>

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Volunteer spotlight: Randy's dedication at Ole Olson Park

For Randy Miranda, volunteering every week to tend FMR's prairie restoration at Ole Olson Park near his home was a meditative way to give back and get through the pandemic. Here are Randy's reflections on why he volunteers and what we've accomplished together.  >>

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Pioneer Press highlights St. Paul riverfront projects

From northern Minnesota to New Orleans, no city has more miles of Mississippi riverfront than St. Paul. A recent Pioneer Press article highlighted some of the major new projects that will enhance community connection to the river.  >>

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We denounce the recent tide of violence and hate targeting our Asian American and Pacific Islander community members and encourage our supporters to #StopAsianHate / #StopAAPIHate. 

The Mississippi River belongs to all of us. And as long as people of color live in fear of violence and are made to feel unwelcome or unsafe, this aspiration remains unmet. Read more  >>

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Action Alert: Support full funding for Forever Green [CLOSED]

FMR's top priority for the 2021 legislative session is full funding for Forever Green, our state's most important sustainable agriculture program. Please take a moment to ask key committee members to fully fund Forever Green. >>

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FMR to MN Environmental Quality Board: Include climate change in environmental review

On Monday, FMR submitted written comments to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board in support of their draft recommendations on integrating climate change into the state's environmental review process. Here's what we said.  >>

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Minnesota landfills are leaching 'forever chemicals'

PFAS — so-called "forever chemicals" — have been found across the state. Here's what you need to know.  >>

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Mississippi River dog destinations: Our favorite spots and tips

Can a person's best friend be a friend of the river? Meet our dogs, learn about their favorite river spots, and get tips on how to be mindful of water and wildlife while out and about with your four-legged friends.  >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside