Updates and Articles

Where FMR's 2023 priorities stand at the Legislature
An overview of the progress we've made — and what still needs to happen — as we enter the final weeks of the session. Read more
Looking up at the iconic dome of the Capitol building in St. Paul, against a clear blue sky as backdrop. Text over the image says "FMR's priorities #MNLEG"
Star Tribune: Minnesotans ‘won't forgive today's officeholders for their inaction on invasive carp’
You should blame any future carp catastrophe on those who failed to act during this critical moment, outdoors columnist Dennis Anderson argues. Read more
A pile of sliver carp.
'State of Our River' event asks how we can protect, restore the Mississippi
Rep. Betty McCollum, lead author on the MRRRI bill, hosted the event. It featured discussions with local experts, including FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark. Read more
Rep. Betty McCollum stands on the lefthand side of the frame, speaking into a microphone. Four panel participants sit at a table behind her. One of them is FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark.
Press statement: It’s time for state action on invasive carp
This morning, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources announced the capture of 30 silver carp in the Mississippi near Winona. This afternoon, FMR and our allies are testifying at the Senate, calling for a carp barrier. Read more
Got scat? The next phase of the coyote and fox project
How are wild canids adapting to urban areas? FMR supporters have been helping researchers find out. Hear about how to get involved in two new community science initiatives with the Twin Cities Coyote and Fox Project. Read more
Coyote standing atop inactive railroad tracks.
How River Guardians helped us reach a clean-water crops milestone
The official launch of this market development grant program is the culmination of a yearlong effort. Read more
Two packets of food snacks made with clean-water crops sit on a table in the foreground. In the blurred background, you can make out warehouse shelves and individuals talking.
Where to buy food, drinks made with clean-water crops
You can support the continued development of clean-water crops by enjoying these food and drink products. Read more
Plastic cups of Kernza beer on a table, with homemade snack bars just past them and bags of products that feature clean-water crops on the other end of the table.
Farewell Sophie Downey!
After five years of service, FMR's outreach and volunteer coordinator Sophie Downey is moving on. Sophie's hard work brought thousands of metro residents to natural areas to help restore habitat and strengthen community connections. Yay, volunteers! Read more
Sophie Downey smiling for the camera while standing in front of the Mississippi River.
Where we work: Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific and Natural Area
A 220-acre protected riverfront stretch in Cottage Grove, Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific and Natural Area offers vast views of the river valley and is home to a rare dry prairie that supports an immense diversity of plants, birds and other wildlife. Read more
Volunteers walk up hill at Grey Cloud Dunes
A tribute to Dave Durenberger
Today, we lost a dear friend, not only to Friends of the Mississippi River but all of Minnesota: environmental and public health champion, David Durenberger. Read more
David Durenberger, in a suit and speaking behind a microphone at Water Action Day at the Minnesota Capitol rotunda in 2018. 


Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
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