5 ways you can join FMR to help the river

Volunteers planting

(Photo by Dodd Demas for FMR)

There are so many ways to be a friend of the river. Thousands of people in the metro Mississippi area get their hands dirty, donate, attend classes and advocate with us each year. Join us!

1. Volunteer

Annually, nearly 2,000 local river stewards dig in at native prairie plantings, invasive species removals, storm drain stenciling, cleanups and more. FMR is proud to offer fun and high-quality public volunteer habitat restoration and educational activities throughout the metro area. You're invited! Visit our events calendar for the most up-to-date listing of volunteer opportunities and events, or check out our volunteer page for more info.  

2. Become a member

You can become a member with a gift of any amount to FMR. Members honor the life-sustaining force of the river by providing the crucial foundation we rely on to realize our vision of clean waters, restored habitat and a river for all to enjoy. Join or renew online or find out about more ways to give

3. Learn

Did you know FMR offers classes on rain barrels, river-friendly homes and gardens and more? See our event schedule to find out what's coming up. We also have a thriving education program, including a career pathways program for high school-aged youth and K-12 classroom partnerships. Find out more about our youth education opportunities.

4. Advocate as a River Guardian

Sign up as a River Guardian, and we'll email you when important river issues arise. We make it quick and easy to learn more and contact decision-makers through action alerts. River Guardians are also invited to trainings and events about important legislative and metro river corridor issues.

Your voice is essential to our efforts to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River! From banning pollutants to passing strong rules to guide local riverfront development, many of FMR's victories are thanks to our strong base of advocates.

5. Connect with us! Follow, like, share and subscribe

An easy way to stay connected is to like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Invite your friends and share our posts to help us spread the word about important issues, exciting happenings and more.

You can also subscribe to Mississippi Messages, our e-newsletter. We send two issues each month, and we work hard to make sure each is full of inspiring and interesting river updates.

30 ways you can protect the river

Looking to take action and make changes for the river you love?
We've rounded up 30 ways to get started.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
In your classroom or outside